Close-up / Table Magic

ABC Blocks ☆NEW☆
With this classic magic trick and our instructions, as usual in a perfect Future Magic execution,...
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Locked Deck ☆NEW☆
It is rare to find card tricks that achieve an excellent effect with very little effort and, to top...
from €4.95
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Magnetic Coin Super Strong 50 Cent ☆NEW☆
When we received our first dealer enquiry about producing strong magnetic coins, we initially...
from €39.95
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Rainbow Fantasies / Black and White Chips ☆NEW☆
By buying this finely finished magic treasure you have acquired a great trick which combines all...
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Squeaking Salt-Shaker/Extra Loud ☆NEW☆
Available again in a new, improved design. The new dimensions of 4 cm diameter and 10 cm height...
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Appearing Elephant
With this amazing trick you have the laughs on your side! You show three cards from the picture...
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Bank Note Machine de luxe
We not only offer you a top-class trick machine here, but also 30 years of experience in...
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Boston Coin Box 2 Euro Size
In principle, the same appearance, the same routines and the same, albeit much more extensive...
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Boston Coin Box Half Dollar Size
If you have an Okito Coin Box, you also need a Boston Box, because with both boxes there are more...
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Brass Block Penetration
This trick begins in a completely bizarre and wacky way and your audience will initially think:...
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Brass Cap Monte
You present three pretty, shiny brass caps, which you place next to each other on the table. A...
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Card Rope
The magician fishes a spectator card out of a top hat with a rope!
from €17.95
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Casino Chip Mirakel
Due to a automatically manufacturing and the reduction of royalty this trick is now offered at a...
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A genuine surprise – packed in a short and snappy trick, guaranteed laughter at the end. The...
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Chameleon Hat
The magician puts a black hat on a child´s head. A Moment later he turns it red, then yellow, then...
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Chessboard Chip
You hold a white chip only between the tips of thumb and index finger of your left hand. You rub it...
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China Flash
While you tell a legend about the magic stones of Stonehenge, a mysterious meeting place of...
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Chinese Coin Giant
A surprise which you can spring after any coin trick. Imagine you have just startled your audience...
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Chinese Coin Miracle de luxe
our spectators see from close up two beautiful solid Chinese coins. Finely minted from brass with...
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Chinese Coin Mystery
Four Chinese coins pass, one after the other, from one hand to the other, penetrate a handkerchief,...
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Chinese Fortune Tubes
You tell your audience that you were almost overwhelmed by the many impressions on your last visit...
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Chips Total
A new, sensational chip trick made from noble brass. Astounding effect - very simple presentation....
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Chop Stick Card
A punched pack of cards - you explain why it is punched during the presentation. A spectator takes...
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Chopper Total
Finger- and armchoppers are a dime a dozen. Here we have a sensational development on this...
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Close up Blendo
"Those who copy understand, those who understand can develop further". Unfortunately, this saying...
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Cocktail Bottle/Niffin Shaker
The magician shows a cocktail bottle with a screw cap which he polishes with a red cloth. ...
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Coin Flight de luxe
Your audience will find this sensational - both visually and acoustically. You stand a clear,...
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Coin in Bag
An unbelievable, exceptionally visual effect. An absolute stunner – can be presented on its own or...
from €17.50
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Coin Magnet / Nils Bennet
Exclusively manufactured under license by Future Magic! The Bennett coin magnet allows you to...
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Coin Ufo
Back in 1985 this trick was offered exclusively by a dealer colleague, who has since passed away....
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Colour Changing Lighter
The "Colour Changing Lighter" is a quick and extremely amazing effect with an everyday object. A...
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Comedy Spring Wand
We forecast that this new and highly versatile comedy spring wand will become more popular than the...
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Copper Silver Transfer
This title describes a set of coins - in copper and silver - with which you can create spectacular...
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Crystal Silk Tube
Colourful, lightning-fast linking of three colourful silk scarves in a transparent Plexiglas tube! ...
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Cut no Cut Scissors
The performer is holding a rope, hands over a scissors to the spectator and asks her to cut the...
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Die Penetration
A non prepared, solid plastic die with an edge length of approx. 80 mm, nicely decorated, a non...
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Do As I Do Plumes - routine by Mel Mellers
If you've ever seen Mel perform this hilarious routine, you'll have wanted the prop! It's as simple...
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This new type of coin box combines the good points of two coin boxes. In this way you can produce...
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Fantasy Wallet
The magician shows the audience a small black folder. He opens it and produces a large beautiful...
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Flash Cotton
A thousand possible uses! For example, you can light the fire in your dove pan with flash instead...
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Flash Restauration
The card torn and reconstituted before your eyes! You show a deck of cards and ask a spectator...
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Flash Vanish
Rarely does the audience see an effect that comes so close to what looks like real magic. This is...
from €24.95
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Folding Coin Lasercut /Bottled Coin
Magic can be so simple, so convincing and so amazing: Imagine you are sitting with friends over a...
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Ghost Cabinet
A complete show with seven, constantly increasing effects!!! From the large-scale illusions of the...
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Giant Break Away Wand
The Breakaway Wand in a new, extra large design "Made by Future Magic". Extremely visible on even...
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Certainly this is not a new effect, but due to the transparent version and accurate...
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Hopping Queen
Here is a great and original version of the three-card Monte for stage and parlour that is very...
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Hypnochips I
The magician presents two chips of each of the following colours: blue, yellow, red, all have a...
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Hypnochips II
The same Trick than Hypnochips I, but with 4 pairs of Chips instead of 3! The magician presents two...
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Icecold Illsuion
With this prop you will acquire a bestseller which is nearly unknown on the magic market and...
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Ideal Magicians Pen
Finally an accessory you can take in your pocket; it is a versatile, multi-functional object that...
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"Incredible", your spectators will say when you show them this trick. Should the spectators be...
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Impossible Penetration
New, improved design. Solid brass, practicable size for parlours and close up, smooth...
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Impossible Travel
A spectator freely chooses a card, signs it and puts it back in the deck. The magician says he will...
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Japanese Discs
A classic from Japan in a new look "Made in Germany". This was developed many years ago by the...
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Karate Coin
Can be integrated into any coin routine! Borrow a 50 cent piece from the spectator to perform a...
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An amazing switchover between a Euro and a key, a trick which is practically unknown in this part...
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Knife through Cigarette
With this small and beautifully crafted item you will not only drive amateurs crazy, but also all...
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Locked Wedding Rings
Two borrowed wedding rings are tied up on a combination lock. No one can free the rings who does...
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Magic Laundry
The magician shows three dirty, formerly white silks. One has a splodge of paint on it, the second...
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Mind Sticks
The magician presents a small chromium-plated tube with a matching cap and 5 wooden sticks of...
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Mister Magic
The magician shows a card on which the picture of a wizard dressed in black can be seen. He...
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Money Print II
You've probably heard it before: "You say you are a magician? Can you conjure up money?" Now this...
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Money Prison
Two banknotes, one of which is signed by a member of the audience and secured by a padlock inside a...
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Mouse to Cheese
The magician shows a sponge mouse in his hand. The mouse is pushed into his closed left had. He...
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Multiplying Bananas
One banana multiplies into two bananas. Put one away and the remaining banana multiplies into two...
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Nut and Bolt Miracle
A real delight for your eyes and for the eyes of your audience, buying or presenting this trick -...
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Okito Coin Box 2 Euro Size
Magic with coins has always exerted a great fascination on our audience. The Okito Coin Box, neatly...
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Okito Coin Box Half Dollar Size
Many magicians love magic with the American half-dollar coins. These are larger than the european...
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Perfect Match/Lucky Lotto
Duplication of events, colourfully presented with a spectator and without the sometimes boring part...
from €8.50
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Perfekt Time Elements
The magician, by using mental powers, finds out in which of two closed tubes there is a match,...
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Phantom Lock Gigant
Not exactly new, but now available in a beautiful new version, easy and convincing to present, much...
from €38.50
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Prediction Chips
Effect: The magician presents a rectangular case. When he opens it, the contents become visible:...
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Psychic Escape
This is a cleverly designed close-up trick consisting of a combination of mental and penetration...
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Quick Tip
A fifty cent piece, no sooner has the magician touched it with a pen than it turns into a euro,...
from €9.95
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Rattel Bars De Luxe Germany
You show the audience three round, noble metal tubes that are closed with a screw cap. All three...
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You hand a member of the audience a nickel-plated brass tube (which has a small hole in its base)...
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Ring in Salt
The magician borrows a ring, which is then wrapped in a cloth. A lady holds the wrapped ring in...
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Ring on a String
You notice that a lady in the audience is wearing an elegant ring and suggest a swap to her. You...
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Ring Vanishing Cloth
The standard "ring appearance devices" are usually supplied without a tool to make the ring...
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Safecracker Cards
You fan out a pack of cards and show the front and back. 52 cards, in no particular order, a good...
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Scotch and Soda magnetic Germany
This must surely be the world's best known trick coin. Now precisely manufactured by Future Magic!...
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Silk Squares
Silk squares in an excellent quality from our own production. Edges taped, not rolled! Extremely...
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Silver Ball Mystery
The magician shows a small box to his spectators. He opens it and removes two red dice, two small...
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Slate of Mind
A slate is shown on both sides then 6 playing cards are placed on both edges of the slate face...
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Starving Monkey
Four Cards are shown: one has the drawing of a monkey, while the others show a bunch of bananas....
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Steelball Penetration
Rarely do effects convince both visually and acoustically! Here we have created such a masterpiece...
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Stop and Go Dice Cubio
A precisely manufactured magic thing, with which you will always and everywhere have fun! Made in...
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Super Coin Set 50 Cent with Bent Coin!
Coin effect that look like real magic and look like fantastic sleight of hand! For you, rehearsed...
from €39.95
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Thread Penetration
An ordinary darning needle threaded by the spectator penetrates the thread, although the thread is...
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Traffic Light Cards
It would be a big mistake to think that at this price the trick can't be any good! It is the little...
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Twin Block Penetration
Here's a treat for fans of fine teak props! In addition to the beautiful finish, the amazing double...
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Duplicity of events – impressively presented with a spectator and only four cards. You show a...
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Vision Test
Crazy observation test with a one cent coin and a normal two euro piece. The coins are never where...
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Voodoo Gimmick
Voodoo magic has its origin in a cult practiced in West Africa. Little dolls were used to heal sick...
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You Win
This can be a mental trick or can be presented as a beer table bet and we are shure: You and your...
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Zebra Tube
The magician shows a tube and puts two small silks of different colours inside. He then brings the...
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